hello, i'm daniel

software engineer | travel photographer
los angeles, ca

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more about me

software engineer | travel photographer

i graduated from georgia tech in December 2017 and majored in industrial and systems engineering. i first became passionate about data science - specifically machine learning - after taking a few courses (dva, ml) and leading development of my first web app - fairestimate. my expertise is mainly in the areas of machine learning and data visualization.

currently i live in los angeles and work full-time at spacex as a software engineer, after completing two internships in the areas of data engineering and machine learning. in my spare time, i enjoy traveling the world, meeting new people, taking pictures, and more recently editing travel videos! by the end of next year i hope to be able to say that i've officially stepped foot on all seven continents - antarctica being the last that i need.

what i'm currently working on

CDC Malaria Vector Control

together with seven georgia tech engineers and the centers for disease control and prevention , i am working on a project to simulate the transmission of malaria and the effects of vector control tactics, mainly indoor residual spraying. to do this, we developed an agent-based simulation in Python to analyze changes in malaria transmission over time due to human and mosquito behavior as well as a number of malaria prevention tactics. from there, we assess the efficacy of different malaria intervention, and determine the return of investment of implementing these tactics under various conditions in the simulation. our analysis provides malaria program managers with critical information on how to best mitigate infection, monitor risk, and trace disease during an outbreak.

learn more about our project here

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check out my most recent travel video here!

get in touch

the best way to reach out to me is via email. feel free to contact me at any time!

contact info

los angeles, ca


reach out via email first!